Pentecostal Sermons and Bible Studies by Pastor Jim Feeney, Ph.D.

Free Pentecostal Sermons & Bible Studies from 50+ Years of Spirit-filled Ministry

by Pastor Jim Feeney, Ph.D.

Pastor Jim Feeney, Ph.D.

500+ Pentecostal Sermons, Outlines & Ideas
(Free! No Registration, No Fees)

Pentecostal Bible Studies/Lessons
from a Spirit-filled doctrinal perspective

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The early Church was unashamedly Pentecostal. Speaking in tongues, divine healing, prophecy, and other gifts of the Holy Spirit were the norm, not the exception. In their midst were Christian prophets and God-called apostles. These very same spiritual gifts and ministries exist in the Church today.

Pentecostalism is the fastest-growing segment of worldwide Christianity. The Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements were major religious events in the 20th century. Some researchers estimate that the Pentecostal Church today, in its varied expressions worldwide, is second only to the Roman Catholic Church in numbers of professing Christians.

Pastor Jim Feeney has more than 50 years of sermon preaching and Bible teaching ministry in Spirit-filled churches. He brings to the pulpit broad experience from his years as an Air Force officer and FAA Air Traffic Controller, followed by several decades of fulltime ministry in pastoring and in Bible college teaching.

In 2004 Jim sensed the Lord's direction to start this website and to present Bible studies and free sermons for pastors, Sunday school teachers, Bible students, and everyone hungry for God's holy Word — focused on important biblical truths from a Spirit-filled perspective. He has deliberately focused primarily on Pentecostal-charismatic beliefs and practices in the selection of topics.

It is our privilege to provide you these Pentecostal preaching and teaching resources at no charge (no registration, no fees). This website is intended to be a helpful supplement to your own personal Bible study. It is our heartfelt prayer that our materials will be a blessing to you and to your walk with our Lord Jesus Christ!

As a starting place, may we suggest our foundational Bible study lessons entitled "Sure Foundations: Sermons & Bible Studies for Making Strong Christians" or our "Most-Viewed and Featured Topics" just below. Or you may wish to browse our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About the Bible. Pastors and church leaders with a heart for outreach might be especially interested in:

Church Planting
Team Ministry That Can Reach
the World For Jesus Christ
(Your church can do it!)

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17 Evidences of Receiving the Holy Spirit Baptism/Filling
Whose Report Shall We Believe? Scripture's Truth? or Man's Opinions?
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Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Spiritual Gifts Today? Yes!
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Fresh Oil, Fresh Anointing | The Holy Spirit's Daily Enabling for You
Sermon Topics: Varied Sermons by Pastor Jim Feeney, Ph.D.
A Great Harvest of Souls the Bible Way
Jesus Bore Our Sicknesses, Infirmities and Diseases and He Bore Our Sins
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The Ordination of Women: Arguments For and Against
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Being Filled with the Holy Spirit (Dr. Berin Gilfillan video)
End Times & the Bride of Christ In-depth (by Elton McMillan)
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The Name of the Lord Is a Strong Tower: A Sermon of Victory & Safety
Words of Comfort and Encouragement in Difficult Times
Healing Prayers for the Sick Work!
The Deity of Jesus Christ
Biographical Information on Pastor Jim Feeney
Statement of Faith
Pentecostal-Charismatic Glossary
Testimonials and Recommendations
A Spirit-filled Church we love in Eugene-Springfield, Oregon

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Controversial Topics with Clear Bible Answers: Links to Hot-Button Topics


Extended Focus on Selected Major Topics:

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Divine Healing Sermons from 50+ Years of Holy Ghost Ministry


A Selection & Index of Our Very Best Web Pages on Pentecostal Topics


Some Things I Have Learned
Jim shares personal reflections and insights from more than 50 years of Pentecostal preaching, teaching, and bible study.


How to Be Saved and Have Eternal Life
Evangelist Billy Graham shares the
Steps to Peace With God.


See also our collection of
Salvation Scriptures:
How to Be Saved and Go to Heaven

that will speak directly to your spirit.

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© 2004-2024, James H. Feeney.
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A Treasure Trove of Pentecostal Preaching and Teaching