Pentecostal Sermons and Bible Studies by Pastor Jim Feeney, Ph.D.

Sermons on Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior

This index of sermons by Dr. Jim Feeney is a continuation of the sermons on Jesus Christ listed at our Pentecostal Sermon Index. Both lists address multiple faith-building topics concerning our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May they be a blessing to you in your personal study of God's word.

Preach Jesus Christ in the Power of the Holy Spirit

A Surefire Sign You Love Jesus

The 'Foursquare' Gospel of Jesus Christ: What Is It?

Jesus' Second Coming Will Add Amazing Blessings to His First

Power in the Name of Jesus: A Sermon to Empower Your Ministry

Rebuke the Devil in the Name of Jesus the Right Way

Jesus Saves Us FROM Our Sins: Two Critically Important Meanings

One Day Every Knee Will Bow to Jesus | Have You Bowed Yours?

Jesus Came FOR the Sick and Said, "Bring Them [the Sick] to Me!"

Jesus Bore Our Sicknesses, Infirmities, Diseases, and Our Sins

A Cause Worth Devoting Your Life to and Even to Die For

"My Lord and My God!" | 3 Truths Your Eternity Depends On

Who's in Charge Here? God? You? Me? Who?

"So Shall We EVER Be with the Lord"

Jesus Christ Revealed in 31 Brief Cameos

Do EXACTLY What Jesus Tells You to Do

Jesus Never Had Any Trouble Drawing a Crowd

"My Buddy Jesus"? Please, NO!

Will You Worship Christ or Antichrist? You Must Choose

'Another Jesus' or the Bible's Jesus: Which Will You Follow?

How Powerful, How Strong Is Jesus? Unlimited? Omnipotent?

Jesus Recognizes Only Two Kinds of People | Which One Are You?

"Thank You!" Poured from My Heart and Lips When I Met Jesus

The Irresistible Power of the Name of Jesus

Where Is Your Focus? Are You Beholding the Lamb of God?

A Vision of Jesus I Had the Day I Got Saved

How to See God Exactly As He Is

The Mystery of Christ's End Time Bride | Revelation 12

Jesus Then, Now, and to Come
In Jesus God Has a Solution for Every Problem | Relevant Bible Verses
Ready or Not, Jesus Is Coming Back Again
Jesus Is Savior...and a Whole Lot More!
The Preeminent Jesus
Jesus Is the Same Today as 2,000 Years Ago
A Sermon on the Power of Jesus' Cross to Save, Heal, and Make You Whole

Bride of Christ | Characteristics of Jesus' Radiant, Spotless, Holy Bride

An Uplifting Sermon on Looking Unto Jesus: 6 Awesome Benefits You'll Receive

You're 'More Than Conquerors' | A Sermon on Victory in Christ Jesus

Keep It Simple: J-e-s-u-s

Jesus Wept

Jesus Christ Is Lord of All

Jesus Makes People Whole Again

Jesus Wants to Be With You

Life in the Son of God

Jesus, the Amazing Son of God

The Spotless Bride of Christ God Is Preparing for His Son

Preparing the Bride of Christ to Make Her Ready for Jesus Her Bridegroom

Jesus is "Better"! Don't Settle for Less

The Blessed Hope | Christ's Second Coming

One Central Focus for Your Life: Jesus Christ

Conversations with Jesus, the Son of God #1
#2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 Index



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Pentecostal Sermons and Bible Studies
by Pastor Jim Feeney, Ph.D.