Pentecostal Sermons and Bible Studies by Pastor Jim Feeney, Ph.D.

Endorsements, Testimonials, & Recommendations of Pastor Jim Feeney's Website

Pastor Jim Feeney, Ph.D.


We are pleased to hear that this website has proven helpful to many. Excerpts from some emails we have received are quoted below.

• “I am an Internal Medicine physician in ••••. I read your articles on divine healing as well as hundreds of others but I find you a true believer.” — a medical doctor in the USA

• “Greetings and blessing from Pakistan. Thank God for your beautiful and inspirable website. I studied Your website and blessed, inspired and learnt new things from your website.” — an indigenous pastor in Pakistan

• "Praise be to God. I am Joseph •••• from Kenya. I am a minister of the word of God in our local church at a small town called •••• in central Kenya. I am deeply blessed by your spiritually inspiring and well researched in-depth teachings with profound divine revelations. I will continue to read, understand your teachings; and by the grace of God receive greater spiritual manifestation to the glory and honor of God in Jesus' name. Shalom." — pastor in Kenya

• “I really appreciate your website, thank you so very much. I've been able to use some of your outlines and work in some thoughts given to me by the Lord.” — a pastor in Canada

• “I really enjoy your Sermon Outlines and Bible Studies... Pentecostal material like you provide is scarce.” — a pastor

• Pastor Jim, God Bless you for your sermons. I am Pastor •••• serving God here in Nepal. I have used your sermons and Bible study outlines. God Bless you. — an indigneous pastor in Nepal

• “Aloha, Pastor Jim.  I just stumbled across your site this morning, doing online research concerning the spiritual gifts... it's well designed and filled with high quality content, inspired by the Holy Spirit.” — a pastor in Hawaii

• “I thank God and you for this wealth of study material. I intend to suck the marrow out of it.” — a bible student in Hawaii

• “For some of us who work full time in a regular job as well as pastor a local church, these types of resources are worth their weight in gold.” — a pastor in Queensland, Austrailia

• “We certainly can utilize your material in many of our college courses." — a Bible college professor in the USA

• “I am a pastor and I was looking for help in teaching on divine healing and found your article. It was great.” — a pastor in Texas

• “Thanks for making this wonderful resource available to our students.  I will definitely pass it along to our School of Ministry faculty and students.  It will provide a wealth of wisdom and knowledge.” — the Dean of a school of ministry in the USA

• “It is with great interest that I have checked your website, and I will be honoured to pass it on to our students.” — a Bible college teacher in Denmark

• “This is indeed an interesting web-site, which I will recommend and include in my bibliography in my courses...” — a Pentecostal Bible college professor in the USA

• "Thank you so much, Pastor Jim. I am a Bible college student in Atlanta, GA. And I'm so grateful to come across your website during one of my studies. Glad to be connected with you, sir. I look forward to more of your sermons." — a Bible college student in Georgia

• "Kindly sir, receive my greetings full of love in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord. I am very grateful to have read all the sermons posted and i have tried to share with my church members the message successfully. Many people have appreciated and thanked the lord God highly. wishing you the best and never give up, you will be re-compensated by our almighty lord God." — B.E., nation unknown

Pastor Jim Feeney acknowledges with sincere gratitude the following personal endorsements.

• "I have known Pastor Jim Feeney since the mid 70's. I first met him when I was a Bible student at the Charismatic Bible College of Anchorage. He was the Dean of the College and one of our main Bible Teachers. Throughout the years we have maintained our friendship and I have come to appreciate his deep Biblical convictions and the integrity he walks in. He is truly a man of God after God's own heart.” — Pastor Ken Birks, Roseville, California.

• "When I first met Jim, I was dating his daughter, Kelly. It didn't take me long to see that Jim was incredibly devoted to his work in serving the Lord. Jim does a fantastic job of tying in biblical principles to his many teachings. He has a true heart for the struggling saved as well as the seekers. I am proud to call him my father-in-law!” — David Fenley, Springfield, Oregon

• “Pastor Jim Feeney is filling an important gap in Bible teaching today with his website focusing on free Pentecostal Bible Studies and Sermon Outlines. He has been generously donating his time and energy since retiring from his full-time pastoral positions, to further the understanding in the Body of Christ of important Pentecostal and Charismatic doctrines and bring much needed balance and Biblical correctness to popular teachings where true Bible accuracy is often found lacking. Jim is a man of unimpeachable character and an excellent teacher in all settings. He has earned the heartfelt respect and genuine appreciation of all the pastors in the Heritage Ministers Fellowship.” — Pastor John Dubler, Good Shepherd Chapel, Fort Collins, Colorado.

Shortcuts to Major Topics:

Christian Living
Doctrine & Theology
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Hearing from God
Holy Spirit | Pentecostal Topics
Jesus Christ
Power of God
The Church
Various Topics Not Listed Elsewhere
Victory over the Devil
Word of God

©2009-2025, James H. Feeney.
Copyright statement.


Pentecostal Sermons and Bible Studies
by Pastor Jim Feeney, Ph.D.