Pentecostal Sermons and Bible Studies by Pastor Jim Feeney, Ph.D.

Sermon Topics: Varied Sermons by Pastor Jim Feeney, PhD

by Pastor Jim Feeney, Ph.D.

Pastor Jim Feeney, Ph.D.

This sermon collection is a treasure trove of helpful sermon topics by Dr. Jim Feeney. It's a continuation of the "Various Topics" sermons listed at our Pentecostal Sermon Index: Sermons/Outlines & Ideas. Both lists address subjects of broad interest to today's Christians. May they be a blessing to you in your personal study of God's word.

Get on the Road to Eternal Life with the Bible's Very First Verse

What's Making Our Country Go Loony? Easy Answer

Election Reflections (2022): One Glaring Omission

7 Ways of Advancing & Building the Kingdom of God
Personal Revival | A 5-Step Sermon to Spiritual Revival

10 Awesome Invitations to You from God

Homosexual Conduct? 14 Relevant Bible Verses on It

The Prophet Ezekiel's Rivers of Living Water Vision

Bible Truths Able to Dramatically Reshape Our World

'All That I Have Is Yours!" - God's Promise to One Specific Group

Got Post-Election Depression? I've Got Great News & Hope for You!

America Must Have Revival or It's Over!

A Nation in Decline, an Unshakable Kingdom on the Rise

Kingdom of God/Kingdom of Heaven Bible Study Notes (in depth: 3 Parts)

10 Things Controlling Time Now and Your Eternity

"Depart from Me into Eternal Fire!" Jesus Will Say to Many

Demons Are "Believers" Too, But Are Hell-bound!

"IF" | A Tiny Word with Big Consequences Now & for Eternity

Look Unto Me and Be Ye Saved, All the Ends of the Earth

Do You Work Out Spiritually in God's Gymnasium?

The World & Every One of Its People Belong to God

They Say, "God Loves You" - Explain That, Please

To My Nigerian Christian Brothers and Sisters

Your Promised Land | "Come out" First or You Won't "Enter In"

Who's in Charge Here? God? You? Me? Who?

God "Loves You Dearly" | Who? Why?

Prophetic Challenges to Us Today

Mayflower Compact: 1st Written Governing Document in New World Was Fully Christian

Executing Babies | America's Heartless Fall into Child Sacrifice Savagery

Midterm Elections | Voting with God's Views in Mind

Bible Verses Honoring Spiritual Fathers - the Importance of a 'Father in the Faith'

'Well done, Good and Faithful Servant' | Will You Hear Jesus Say That?

The Meaning of Eternal Glory in Heaven | It's 'Better by Far!'

Who Gets the Glory? Who Should?

Global Warming? Environmental Catastrophe? It's 100% Certain!

Are You Afraid to Die? Here's the Cure!

Liberalism Is a Demonic Deception, A Satanic Takeover in American Thinking

Three Things Really Matter

The Lord Will Judge His People | Judgment Begins with Us

Looking Forward to Seeing the Lord

An Uplifting Sermon on 6 Awesome Benefits of 'Looking Unto Jesus'

Benefits of God's Goodness | Living in the Goodness of God
Watch Out! You'll Avoid Tons of Big Trouble
Do You Love Jesus Truly and Biblically?
How Close Is God to You?
We Are Not Worthy of God's Love, But "in Christ" We Become Worthy

By My God I Can!
Keep Your Lamps Burning with Holy Spirit Fire Within You
God's Grace Has a Tough Side Not Often Preached
Testing the False Teachers and Their Erroneous Ways
Christianity's Jewish Roots and Origin | Jews Started the Christian Faith
Does God Forgive All Sins If You Repent? Is it Complete Forgiveness?
True Spirituality Is Not What You Might Think It Is
A Personal Encounter with God Can Change Your Life
Feel the Peace of God
Vegetarianism or Veganism for Christians?
What Does It Mean to Be Spiritual? What Is Biblical Spirituality?
Optimism 101 | Growing More Optimistic
Five Bible Questions and Answers That Will Change Lives
Jesus said, "Repent!" Here's a Checklist of Some Things to Repent For
Hitting the Target Spiritually: Bible Verses to Help You Do It
Aim Higher! Take Dead Aim at a Higher Walk
Don't Aim Too Low
But the Benefits Are Great
Seven Things or People That God Hates
A Spiritual Legacy Is a Priceless Inheritance
The Spiritual 'Ancient Landmarks' in the Bible? Or 'Some New Thing'?
The Divine Purposes of God: Meaning and Examples
How to Vote in 2012 (or in Any Election)
Great Expectations (BIBLICAL Ones) Are Keys to God's Blessings
America: A Great Country | Let's Keep It That Way
Small, Humble Beginnings in the Bible and in Your Life
The Wisdom of the "Olders"
Don't Let Your Vision Die
Life From Death
Terrible Times Are Coming, But Greater Victory Too!

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Sermons on a Wide Variety of Sermon Topics,
by Pastor Jim Feeney, Ph.D.

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Pentecostal Sermons and Bible Studies
by Pastor Jim Feeney, Ph.D.