Pentecostal Sermons and Bible Studies by Pastor Jim Feeney, Ph.D.

Divine Healing Sermons from 50 Years of Holy Ghost Ministry

by Pastor Jim Feeney, Ph.D.

Summary:  God heals today! My late wife was infertile, with a diagnosed medical condition, for the first 6 years of our marriage. Then God supernaturally healed her, and a year later she bore the first of our four children. All four are now married adults, serving the Lord with their families. The Scriptures are very clear that Jesus bore our infirmities and carried our diseases. And He is willing to make that real for you today if you will believe Him and ask Him for healing. To help you build faith, I've listed below links to healing sermons I've written over the course of more than 50 years of Spirit-filled ministry. May God bless you as you read and grow in faith to receive healing from our faithful Lord.

Divine Healing Today: A Sermon on Spiritual/Supernatural Healing

Is It God’s Will to Heal You?

Jesus Said WE Can Perform Miracles and Healings As He Did

How to Receive Healing by Faith | 7 Simple Truths

Jesus Heals Today! Jesus Is Our Healer As Well as Our Savior

Prayers for the Healing of the Sick Work!

Bible Verses on Healing | Faith-Building Healing Scriptures

Healing Scriptures: 4 Bible Verses for Healing the Sick

The Presence of God: A Key to Healings and Miracles

Divine Health and Healing: the Best ‘Alternative Medicine’

Healing Mercies: Be Healed by Appealing to the Mercy of God

God Heals | How to Receive Divine Healing from God

Spiritual Healing from God | How to Receive It

Healing Lessons from the Roman Centurion's Faith

Jesus Heals the Sick and He’ll Use YOU to Heal the Sick

Be Healed by Doing These Two Things

Coronavirus (COVID) Can Be Healed by God

“Be Freed from Your Suffering,” Says Jesus to YOU

Jesus Came for the Sick and Said, “Bring them to Me!”

Jesus Bore Our Sicknesses and Infirmities As Well As Our Sins

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says, "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing
by the Word of God" (Romans 10:17, NKJV).

©2023 James H. Feeney.
Copyright statement.


Pentecostal Sermons
and Bible Studies by
Pastor Jim Feeney, PhD