The gifts of the Holy Spirit, including speaking in tongues, divine healing, miracles, and prophecy, were a blessing to the early Church. So were the ministries of apostles and Christian prophets. They continue to be a blessing to the Church today, when those embracing Pentecostalism and its beliefs are the fastest-growing segment of worldwide Christianity.
From a Pentecostal-charismatic doctrinal standpoint and drawing from both the Old and New Testaments, we are pleased to offer these free Pentecostal Bible studies and lessons to you in the sincere hope of helping you to further your ministries and your walk with the Lord. We hope you'll find in our Pentecostal teachings some helpful sermon ideas for personal Bible study, adult Sunday School lessons, or the church pulpit. May the Lord bless you with spiritual insight and illumination during your time spent in the Word of God.
• Saul: "Who are you, Lord?"..."I am Jesus" - An eternity-affecting conversation
"Who Are You, Lord?"..."I Am Jesus" | 17 Awesome Ways
• Be continually filled with the Holy Spirit and experience God's power for ministry.
The Baptism of the Holy Spirit Is For You Today
• Speaking in tongues is for today and for you!
Speaking in Tongues Today: A Sermon from Scripture, Not from Church Traditions
• How do you know that you have been filled with the Holy Spirit?
Speaking in Tongues (Glossolalia) is the Initial Evidence of the Baptism with the Holy Spirit
• Apostles and prophets are needed today.
Modern Day Prophets and Apostles: Still Today, in our 21st Century?
• Should we call them all "Pastor"? Or has God given us a fivefold ministry?
Fivefold Ministry Gifts Are for Today
• Do all roads lead to God? Or has God provided one and only one way to Him?
Only One Way to God — the Only Savior, Jesus Christ
• Who is the Holy Spirit? Is He divine? A person? What does He do?
Who/What Is the Holy Spirit in the Trinity? What's His Role, His Work?
• Believe God for the healing of sick, infirm, and diseased bodies.
Divine Healing Today (also called Faith Healing, Spiritual Healing, or Supernatural Healing)
• Are supernatural signs and spiritual gifts for today?
Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Spiritual Gifts Today? Yes!
• Should women be ordained? teach men? have authority over men in the church?
The Ordination of Women: Biblical or Not?
• A bible school can change your local church into a ministry-training center.
Bible Schools — You Can Easily Start One in Your Church!
• Pro-life vs. pro-choice. Abortion or giving birth? God has a clear position.
Why I Am Pro-life
• Our eternal salvation rests on the question: Who is Jesus Christ?
Who Is Jesus Christ?
• A bible lesson on the Church's holy calling to be the pure and spotless Bride of Christ.
Bride of Christ | Characteristics of Jesus' Radiant, Spotless Bride
• Is Jesus God? Is he divine? Or just a man, a prophet, or a great teacher?
The Deity of Jesus Christ
• Bible study on baptism in water, including why? how? and in the "NAME [not the titles] of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit"
Water Baptism by Immersion in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
• "Christian Egalitarians" are blurring gender distinctions in the church and home.
Male Leadership in the Home and the Church
• An in-depth bible lesson on the ministry of women in the biblical New Testament church.
Women's Ministry in the Bible's New Testament Church
• Does the Bible teach "praise dance" or "worship dance" for the Church?
Dancing in the Church
• Your faith to receive spiritual healing from God can grow.
How to Receive Healing by Faith | More Faith for Healing
• Fallen church leaders, Christians, and backsliders can experience recovery.
Can a Backslider Be Restored? How About Fallen Leaders?
• A verse-by-verse bible study of the kingdom of God/kingdom of heaven.
Kingdom of God, Kingdom of Heaven Bible Study Notes
• Divorce and remarriage are commonplace today. Does God allow it? Ever?
What Does the Bible Say About Divorce and Remarriage? Yes? No? Sometimes?
• Laughing, falling, drunken staggering. Are these biblical manifestations of the Holy Spirit?
Holy Laughter ("Laughing in the Spirit") | Slain in the Spirit | Falling Out
• "Call the elders of the church," James wrote. Do you know your church's elders?
The Elders of the Church
• The doctrine of the Holy Trinity is clarified in simple bible language.
The Trinity Demystified | A Holy Trinity Sermon in Plain Language
• Bible study lessons on the Epistle to the Ephesians presented in 8 teachable segments.
Highlights from Ephesians #1 | #2 | #3 | #4 | #5 | #6 | #7 | #8
• Repentance is one of the foundational doctrines of the Christian faith.
Repentance: Is It Just Being Sorry for Sins?
• Thirteen keys to having a church like the one Jesus established:
A Church Like the One Jesus Started
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© 2004-2024, James H. Feeney.
Copyright statement.
Pentecostal Sermons and Bible Studies
by Pastor Jim Feeney, Ph.D.