Pentecostal Sermons and Bible Studies by Pastor Jim Feeney, Ph.D.

Doctrine and Theology Sermons

by Pastor Jim Feeney, Ph.D.

Pastor Jim Feeney, Ph.D.

This index of sermons by Dr. Jim Feeney is a continuation of the "Doctrine and Theology" messages listed at our Pentecostal Sermon Index. Both lists address themes from biblical theology and doctrine, with a special emphasis on Pentecostal-charismatic topics. May they be a blessing to you in your personal study of God's word.

Why Did God Send Jesus to Earth from Heaven? 12 Reasons

Pentecostal Beliefs, Doctrines, and Practices | Pentecostalism

Who/What Is the Holy Spirit in the Holy Trinity? What Is His Role? His Work?

Power in the Name of Jesus: A Sermon to Empower Your Ministry

Our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ | He Must Be BOTH (with Bible verses as proof)

A Sermon on the Power of Jesus' Cross to Save, Heal, and Make You Whole

The Purpose and Power of the Anointing of the Holy Spirit in the Bible

Fresh Oil, Fresh Anointing | We Need the Holy Spirit's Daily Empowering

Divine Healing/Faith Healing Today: A Sermon on Spiritual/Supernatural Healing

"Devil, I Rebuke You in the Name of Jesus" | Is That How to Deal with Demons?

Jesus Came For the Sick and Said, "Bring [the Sick] to Me!"

Jesus Bore Our Sicknesses, Infirmities, Diseases, and Our Sins

'Another Jesus,' a 'Different Jesus,' or the Bible's Jesus? Which Will You Follow?

Healing Scriptures: 4 Bible Verses for Healing the Sick

Why Was the Bible Created and Written? Two Main Reasons

The Blessed Hope: A Sermon on the Second Coming of Jesus Christ

Should we Pray for the Salvation of Souls? Jesus and Paul Did!

Can You Lose Your Salvation?

Pro-life Biblical Teachings Demolish the Pro-choice Rhetoric

'Sure Foundations' Sermons and Bible Studies

7 Deadly Sins Listed in the Bible's Revelation in the Last Days/End Times

The Church Is the House of God from Jesus' Cross On

Separation of Church and State in the Bible? Yes and No

Want to Know God's Extraordinary Plan for These End Times?

The Gospel Summarized in One Verse

"Crossless Christianity"? A Doctrine of Demons! Preach Christ Crucified

The Name of the Lord Is a Strong Tower: A Sermon of Victory and Safety

The Spotless Bride: A Radiant, Pure, Holy Church for Christ Her Bridegroom

Can Born-Again Christians Be Demon-Possessed? Or 'Have a Demon'?
Speaking in Tongues Today? A Sermon from Scripture, Not from Church Traditions

Speaking in Tongues (Glossolalia) Is the Initial Evidence of Baptism with the Holy Spirit

Be Continually Filled with the Holy Spirit | Some Translate It: "Be Being Filled"

Evidence of Receiving the Holy Spirit Baptism/Filling

Be Filled with the Holy Spirit | 9 Blessings in It for You

"Full Gospel" Meaning and Message with Bible Examples

Signs and Wonders Will Follow and Confirm the Preaching of God's Word

An In-depth Sermon on Water Baptism by Immersion with Scripture Texts
Why NOT to Baptize [quote] "in the name of the Father & of the Son & of the Holy Spirit"

'So Shall We EVER Be With the Lord' - the Believer in Eternity

God's Power Is Unlimited (with Bible Verses) | He's an Unlimited God

The Spiritual 'Ancient Landmarks' in the Bible? Or 'Some New Thing'?
How to Be Saved and Go to Heaven: Salvation Scriptures

Does God Want Everyone, All of Us, to Be Saved?

Sound Doctrine - Ignore It and Remain a Spiritual Infant
The Ministry of Women in a Bible-Based New Testament Church

Male Leadership in the Home and in the Church

Kingdom of Heaven | Kingdom of God Bible Study Notes
(3 parts)

Divorce and Remarriage: What Does the Bible Say?

The Holy Trinity Demystified

The Holy Trinity Explained in Actions

The 'Rapture of the Church' at Christ's Second Coming

Ready or Not, Jesus Is Coming Back Again | The 'Second Coming'

The Doctrine of Laying on of Hands: Foundational Doctrine of Christ

When a Christian Dies, What Happens Next?

Is Hell Real? Hell Fire, Too?

Does God Forgive All Sins If You Repent? Absolutely!

Is Willful Sin Unforgivable? Does God Forgive Deliberate Sin? Intentional Sin?

Jesus Saves Us FROM Our Sins: Two Critically Important Meanings
Why I Believe in Tithing

End Times Prophecy As Jesus Taught It

Modern Day Prophets and Apostles Today, in the 21st Century?

Bible Teachers in the Bible's Fivefold Ministry

Apostles and Bible Teachers Today

The Two Witnesses in Revelation 11: Two End-Time Prophets

Bible Verses About Revival in the Last Days (the End Times, the 'Latter Days')

A Life-Changing Sermon on the Authority of the Believer and How to USE It!

Can We Do Miracles and Healings Like Jesus? Yes! He Said Believers Can

7 Ways of Kingdom-of-God Building, Expansion, and Advancement

12 Reasons to Love Israel


Shortcuts to Major Topics:

Christian Living
Doctrine & Theology
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Hearing from God
Holy Spirit | Pentecostal Topics
Jesus Christ
Power of God
The Church
Various Topics Not Listed Elsewhere
Victory over the Devil
Word of God

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©2011-2023, James H. Feeney.
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Pentecostal Sermons and Bible Studies
by Pastor Jim Feeney, Ph.D.