Summary: The Bible speaks of “God Almighty.” How about the Son of God, Jesus Christ? How powerful is He? To those who think of Him as if He were a diminished copy of God the Father, think again! We’ll look at some Scriptures that reveal Jesus' "all authority" and unlimited power, which He is delighted to use on behalf of you who love and serve Him.
Matthew 28:17-18
Jesus died on the cross for our sins, was buried, and rose again from the grave on the third day (1 Corinthians 15:3-4). Shortly before He ascended back to His present place at the right hand of God the Father in heaven, Jesus told His disciples an astounding fact: “ALL authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” Authority where? In both heaven and on earth. How much authority did the Father give the risen Savior? “All”! My pastor in Alaska used to say, when you see an all in the Bible, “Let your all be all.” Christ’s statement leaves no doubt that there is nothing that escapes His Lordship. Jesus is all-powerful, and nothing in heaven or earth can avoid subjection to His "all authority."
In case that’s not fully clear to us, the apostle Peter gave a second affirmation to this wonderful truth when he said, “Jesus Christ—He is Lord of all.” Preaching to the Jews in Jerusalem, Peter said similarly, “God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ” (Acts 2:36, NKJV). Let’s go see in the Bible some examples of how Jesus Christ’s Lord-of-all power works in this world and in our lives.
While on earth 2,000 years ago, Jesus healed “every disease and sickness” among the people (Matthew 4:23; 9:35). And Jesus is the same today! (Hebrews 13:8). What the Lord did then He can and does accomplish now. He is Lord of all, including total Lordship over sickness, disease, and infirmities.
You say, how can this be? The answer is that in His crucifixion and resurrection, Jesus not only bore our sins (1 Peter 2:24), He also bore our sicknesses. He fulfilled the prophet Isaiah’s wonderful words: “He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases” (Matthew 8:16-17). Let that truth sink deeply into your soul and spirit — Jesus once for all took on Himself all our diseases, sicknesses, and infirmities. Are you sick, infirm, diseased, perhaps deaf or blind? Come in simple faith and prayerful petition to the Savior who loves you. He took those things so that you may be healed!
Jesus was speaking in the synagogue in Nazareth. He read the portion above from the writings of the prophet Isaiah. Then, to the surprise of the listeners, He referred to this prophecy as being fulfilled in Him. And in His ministry recorded in the Gospels we see the Lord Jesus doing all these things and more.
Previously we saw Jesus’ total Lordship in the healing of bodily sicknesses and infirmities. Here we see His similar power to heal the brokenhearted … to liberate those in captivity … to free the oppressed, and the like. In sum, our resurrected, glorified Savior Jesus Christ is now seated at the Father’s right hand in heaven, where He “makes intercession for us” (Romans 8:34). Do you need physical healing? Jesus is there (and fully able) “for you.” Do you need a broken heart healed? I needed that when my wife of 38 years died. Jesus was there “for me.” Do you need deliverance from some captivity, some addiction, some long-standing oppression? Jesus is Lord over all that and is there “for you.” Come to Him with the simple prayer of faith, and watch His unlimited power work on your behalf.
In Matthew’s account (8:32), Jesus simply said “Go!” to this legion of demons, and they came out and entered the herd of pigs. The point here is that Jesus our Savior is indeed “Lord of all,” even over the foul demons of hell. Two thousand pigs were possessed by the demons that Jesus cast out.
Our takeaway? Jesus has all power over the spirit world. He can and will protect you from the devil and his evil demons. Always remember, “He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 15:57). The apostle Paul in Romans 8:37-38 reminds us that through Jesus “we are more than conquerors” (37), even over demons (38). Never forget that our Lord, the risen Savior, has “all authority” and is “Lord of all,” including full authority over the powers of hell that He defeated at Calvary’s cross. And He is delighted to grant that victory over the devil to you.
Is there a furious squall [NLT: a fierce storm] going on in your life? Maybe a financial crisis or a major relational breakdown? Perhaps the loss of your job or even your home? Whatever “furious squall” you are in, Jesus the Lord of all has full authority to overcome it for you. Call out to Him in prayer. And trust Him to speak forth His “Quiet! Be still!” into the terrible circumstances you are dealing with. As your Savior works these things out for you, expect the same result they saw on the Sea of Galilee — the storm dying down and becoming completely calm.
In another instance (Mark 8:1-9) Jesus fed a crowd of 4,000 by miraculously multiplying 7 loaves of bread and a few small fish into enough to feed those thousands with plenty left over!
What is our takeaway? No matter what situation you are facing — whether it be food and clothing, finances, housing, or other needs — Jesus will provide for those who love and serve Him and seek to follow Him. Are you following the Lord with all your heart? Then you may confidently trust to have the Lord’s provision that King David spoke of in Psalm 37:25 — “I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread.”
Jesus the Son of God created all things, both in heaven and on earth! He is the Creator of all! If Jesus is powerful enough to have created ex nihilo, that is, to make out of nothing the entire universe, He can surely and easily create or recreate things in your life that need His touch. Does your body need a healing? Look to the all-powerful Savior/Creator Jesus. Do circumstances in your life need fixing? Look to the Son of God who spoke into existence the galaxies, the sun, the moon and stars, and the earth. And surely you will realize how easily He can remake the circumstances facing you. Whatever your (legitimate) need is, He who made all things can easily remake things for you.
Don’t fall into the trap so many fall into. They think, “Well, Jesus did all that 2,000 years ago during His time on earth. But I’m not sure He’ll do that today, or for me.” Refuse those nonbiblical thoughts! Our Lord-of-all Savior Jesus Christ is “the same today” as He was back then. Today He sits in glory and splendor at the Father’s right hand in heaven. And from that exalted, omnipotent position, Jesus “is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them” (Hebrews 7:25).
The Lord Jesus Christ, the merciful Savior who loves you, is in heaven at this very moment, continually offering you the fullness of His salvation (He’ll “save completely”). He is interceding for you. He’s entirely on your side. Come to Him with your every prayer and appeal. As Hebrews 4:16 encourages and promises you, “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” Jesus our Lord-of-all Savior will hear your prayer and bring His great power to bear in meeting your need.
Please hear my closing appeal. While reading this, you may have been feeling God’s Holy Spirit speaking to your heart. Perhaps you realize that you’ve never personally received Jesus as your Savior and Lord. Or you’re just uncertain whether you have or haven’t done that. Or you may be someone who has once walked with the Lord but is now fallen away. The good news is that Jesus is there for you right now!
Perhaps God has touched your heart today and is drawing you to commit or recommit your heart and your life to Jesus. If so, please allow the late, respected evangelist Billy Graham to lead you in a prayer that will ensure your place forever in God’s own family as a son or daughter of God (2 Corinthians 6:18). You can pray a prayer for eternal salvation here, at May God the Father and His beloved Son Jesus Christ bless you abundantly today and always!
Check out our related sermon: God Has No Limits or Restrictions
You'll find more resources on the power of God at our "God's Power Sermons"
Hungering for more of Jesus? See our "Varied, Illuminating Sermons About Our Lord Jesus Christ"
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Pentecostal Sermons
and Bible Studies by
Pastor Jim Feeney, Ph.D.