Pentecostal Sermons and Bible Studies by Pastor Jim Feeney, Ph.D.

Power of God Sermons


This collection of sermons on God's power by Dr. Jim Feeney is a continuation of his sermons on the Power of God listed at our Pentecostal Sermon Index. Both lists address multiple topics concerning the mighty power of God being manifested in the lives and ministries of His people. May these sermons be a blessing to you in your personal study of God's word.

The Power of the Cross of Jesus to Save, Heal, and Make You Whole

'Not by Might Nor by Power, But by My Spirit': a Sermon on Holy Spirit Power

Fresh Oil, Fresh Anointing | The Holy Spirit's Daily Empowerment for You

Thus Far the Lord Has Helped Us and Brought Us

What Is the Purpose of the Anointing of the Holy Spirit and Power?

How to Rebuke the Devil in the Name of Jesus, and How NOT To

Jesus Imparts Great Power to You in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Believers, Be Used in Healings, Miracles & Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Healing Scriptures for the Sick | These Truly Work

Speak God's Word in Faith Over Your Life and See Its Power Manifested

God Is Able | A Sermon to Help You Believe Him Bigger

Faith That Moves Mountains: 3 Keys to a Faith-Based, Mountain-Moving Ministry

The Name of the Lord Is a Strong Tower: A Sermon of Victory and Safety

The Greatest Power in the Universe | The Gospel
The Power Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Faith, Healing, and Miracles
Signs and Wonders Will Follow & Confirm with Power God's Preached Word

A Supernatural Move of God: Scriptures to Prepare Us for It

The Supernatural Realm: How to Walk in It

A Sermon on Ministry That's Moving in Holy Spirit Power

The Same Spirit That Raised Jesus from the Dead You Can Have Too

Be Continually Filled with the Holy Spirit | Bible Verses and Examples

An Outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Last Days for You

The Amazing Power of One Believer

The Real Ultimate Power Source

A Sermon on the Power of the Word of God Spoken by You

Nothing Is Impossible with God | With God All Things Are Possible

Can This Valley of Dry Bones Come Alive?

God's Protection: a Sermon to Encourage You in a Dangerous World

Hearing and Seeing a Demonstrated, Powerful Gospel
When God Intervenes from Heaven


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Pentecostal Sermons and Bible Studies
by Pastor Jim Feeney, Ph.D.