
The Voting Guide Every Bible Believer Needs

by Pastor Jim Feeney, Ph.D.

Pastor Jim Feeney, Ph.D.

     Summary:  As a Bible-believing follower of Jesus Christ, my goal is to doing nothing in my life that is contrary to His holy Word the Bible. I believe millions of you fellow Christians have the same motivation.

     Typically every two years American voters face very consequential elections — at the national, state, and local levels. I call upon my fellow believers in the Lord Jesus Christ to base your votes entirely on “What does the Lord say in His Word the Bible?”

     To help you in that decision, I’ll be discussing below seven important issues that affect all of our lives. On each of these the Bible is very clear. I’ll list Scripture verses and some links to more detailed studies of these topics. With all my heart I beseech you, my fellow believers, to base your votes entirely on how your candidates and their policy positions align with the infallible, holy Word of God Almighty.

     I will not mention any political parties or candidates by name. For the record, I personally am a registered Independent voter. I’ll be basing my votes entirely on which candidates’ policy positions line up most closely to God’s holy Word.

1.  God in His Word the Bible Is Pro-Life

In His holy Scriptures God shows Himself to be undeniably pro-life. To me the pro-life versus “pro-choice” issue is absolutely central to a God-pleasing society that values life at every stage, from conception to one’s final breath. I encourage you to read the first link below to see for yourself 12 very clear indicators that God Almighty is 100% in the “pro-life” camp. If you have time, I’ve also included links to some additional biblically based articles I’ve written about various facets of this hot-button issue in our culture today.

Pro-Life Is the Only Choice | See 12 Compelling Reasons Why

Executing Babies | America’s Heartless Fall into Barbarity

The Most Dangerous Place in America Is the Womb

Fetus in Utero or Unborn Baby? ‘Fetal Tissue’ or Unborn Child?

Pro-Life? Pro-Choice? 7 Reasons Why I am Pro-Life

2.  God in the Holy Scriptures Is Pro-Church

Matthew 16:18  I [Jesus] will build my church.

Ephesians 3:21  To Him [to God] be glory in the church.

Ephesians 5:25  …Christ loved the church. He gave up His life for her.

Jesus Christ the Savior came to earth from heaven for many reasons. One of them was to build His Church on earth. He intended that there be many thousands of local churches throughout the world. They would be warm, loving, Jesus-honoring, Bible-based gatherings of people coming to Jesus Christ as Savior and growing in their faith. Political candidates who have respect, and even love, for the local churches are the most likely to be working in harmony with Jesus’ saving plan for all of mankind.

To God Be the Glory in the Church

Love Your Local Church | Jesus Loves It!

Separation of Church and State in the Bible? Yes and No

3.  God Himself Established the Traditional Nuclear Family

Genesis 1:27-28  So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them. God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth…”

The first chapter of the Bible spells this out clearly. And nowhere in subsequent Scriptures has God ever changed His perfect plan. And that plan is to populate the world from traditional marriages — a man and woman who love each other, marry, and bear children in obedience to God’s plan and for His glory.

With all thanks and credit to the Lord, I have personally found great joy in following the Lord’s pattern established in chapter 1 of His Word. God brought into my life a loving wife for 38 years before she went on to heaven. Together we were blessed with four children, and we enjoyed the privilege of raising them to know Jesus as Savior from an early age. Now as adults, they too have married well and each of the four couples has 3 children whom they are likewise raising to know and serve the Lord. This is simply God’s all-wise, perfect plan — a husband and wife living together in a loving, God-honoring marriage and bearing and raising children to know God and His Son Jesus, and through that to receive the eternal salvation promised to those who embrace Jesus as Lord and Savior.

How to Raise Godly Children | A Sermon on Christian Parenting

4.  God’s Word from the Beginning Approves Only ‘Traditional Marriage

Genesis 2:22-24  Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib He had taken out of the man, and He [God] brought her to the man… [24] That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.

In #3 above we read of God’s plan for the traditional family — a husband, a wife, and children born to that marriage. In our world today that has been perverted by the widespread acceptance of gay marriage (same-sex marriage). The several links just below show how that is a horrible affront to God Almighty’s plan for marriage. Ponder this issue as you examine the candidates for office. God’s position is very, very clear. Those who take contrary stands to that of our Lord should not be given votes of confidence by those who love and serve God.

Traditional Marriage? Gay Marriage? Or Both?

Gay Marriage, Same-Sex Marriage | Is God OK with That?

Homosexual Conduct? 14 Bible Scriptures On It

5.  God Himself Created Exactly Two Sexes, Male and Female

Matthew 19:4  “Haven’t you read,” He [Jesus] replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female’?”

In this Scripture Jesus the Son of God was quoting from, and fully agreeing with, God’s creation activities recorded in Genesis. Jesus reminded His listeners that God the Creator made a male and a female … period! And He brought them together in marriage as “a man and … his wife” (vs. 5). God never changed that original pattern anywhere in the Bible’s 66 books. Where do your candidates stand on this issue where God has made Himself very clear as a foundational principle for life in this world?

“Transgender” and Gay Marriage? Jesus Gave Guidance

6.  God in His Word Reveals Himself to Be Very Much Pro-Israel

When I originally wrote this in August, 2024, Israel was at war defending themselves against a host of terrorist organizations and nations whose malevolent intent is the total destruction of the nation of Israel. Antisemitism, sometimes violent, has invaded and even overtaken many university campuses in my nation, the USA. I will say explicitly — and prove it in the article in the link below — that Almighty God greatly loves Israel. Find out if your candidates are among those who love and support the nation that God chose thousands of years ago to be a "special people" for Him (Deuteronomy 7:6, KJV).

12 Reasons to Love Israel

7.  God Is Pro-Law Enforcement and Military

Matthew 24:3, 12-13  “…what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?” … [12] “And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be saved.”

Romans 13:1, 4  Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God… [4] For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.

Jesus Christ prophesied that in these, the latter days, lawlessness would increase. In the USA that is happening and increasing at an astonishing rate. Crime rates are through the roof and riots break out often for even slight causes. Police are being defunded in many cities. The military has in many ways bowed down to the “woke” agenda and has lost much of its ability to fulfill its primary duty of defending our nation.

The apostle Paul wrote to the Romans that it is God who has established positions of authority (always desiring that they be filled with godly people). The names of these authority roles vary from nation to nation. But basically we see in most nations the God-given institutions of government (“executive” branch in the USA), legislatures, and the judiciary. It is up to us, the voters, to put godly people with wholesome values into those roles. How do your candidates stand on support of law enforcement and the military? Without those God-established institutions, well funded and well trained, our nation will not last long as a civilized society. Vote well. Vote as God would tell you to in Scripture.

• In Sum, Be sure to Vote.  And in Order to Please God, Vote for Candidates Who Best Reflect God’s Revealed Biblical Values

Disclaimer: I am not a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization. I’m just a private U.S. citizen with a 100% self-funded website, exercising my rights to share my sincerely held religious beliefs under the freedoms guaranteed by the “free exercise” of religion clause of the U.S. Constitution. My sole desire in this Voting Guide is to help elect candidates whose policies will most closely align with God’s Scripturally revealed truths. It's not always possible to find candidates with whom you agree totally. But I encourage you to use these Bible guidelines to look for candidates whose policies are in significant agreement with the Lord's truth and ways. Those are the ones I will vote for. And I hope you will too. Blessings to you all who have taken the time to read this far.

I realize that many of you reading this are in countries other than the USA, and perhaps you don’t even have elections coming soon. But ponder these principles from Scripture. And faithfully apply them to your next opportunity to place people into positions of authority who best reflect God’s biblical values. Thank you, and God bless!


You might enjoy a somewhat more in-depth treatment of this topic at my sermon: In This Election (or Any Election), Vote Biblically, Not Politically.

Many additional voting insights can be found at my sermon: Vote Biblically to Secure God's Blessings on Our Great Country.


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Pentecostal Sermons
and Bible Studies by
Pastor Jim Feeney, Ph.D.