Physical healing is a topic that, over the course of a lifetime, most likely affects everyone. I’ve written elsewhere about the broad subject of divine healing. In this article I’ll be addressing the specific question of whether or not it’s God’s will to heal us.
The leper appealed to Jesus with a reasonable petition: “If you are willing, you can make me clean.” And from that day to this, many people sincerely approach the Lord for healing with that mindset: “If you are willing…” My encouragement to you is not to pray the leper’s prayer, but to believe in Jesus’ answer: “
Jesus’ words to the leper — “I am willing” — were clearly shown to apply to all who looked to Him for healing. Let’s see some more Scriptural proofs.
The prophet Isaiah, in what some call “the fifth Gospel” (Isaiah 53), specifically prophesied that, in addition to dying for our sins, the coming Christ would bear our sicknesses. The Gospel writer Matthew, under the Spirit’s inspiration, looked back to Jesus’ suffering and death for us and said, “He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases.” And Matthew clearly identified Jesus’ healing of the sick as the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy of divine healing given many centuries earlier.
Never lose sight of that thrilling fact: because Jesus took our sicknesses, infirmities, and diseases, He is and will continue to be the Healer of the sick. Just as certainly as He took our sins at Calvary, He took also our physical infirmities and diseases. That is clear evidence of Jesus’ ongoing willingness to heal us, just as certainly as He is willing to forgive those who repent and look to Him for forgiveness of sins. The apostle Peter summed this up in one short verse (below).
The apostle is reminding us of a consistent truth of Scripture. That is, God makes provision both for our
There it is in one brief verse. For all who will believe and receive Him as such, God is the forgiver of sin and the healer of diseases. Jesus the Son of God came to earth 20 centuries ago, demonstrated forgiveness and healing in his several years of ministry, then died on the cross as the perfect sacrifice in the eyes of God His Father. As such He secured for us permanently the forgiveness of sin and the healing of sickness. How many sins, how many sicknesses? The Scripture says “all”! Let there be no doubt in your minds about the Lord’s willingness both to forgive sin and to heal sick and infirm bodies.
Healing is more than simply what God does. It is a reflection of who He
One of the greatest demonstrations of healing in all of history was in the Exodus of Israel from centuries of slavery in Egypt. God judged Pharaoh’s Egypt with 10 miraculous plagues. In the tenth and last plague, all the firstborn of Egypt were killed. But the Israelites were spared, because at God’s instruction, they had sacrificed a lamb, applied the lamb’s blood to their doorposts, and inside their houses had partaken of the cooked flesh of the sacrificed lamb. That night the death angel “passed over” the houses of those identified by the application of the lamb’s blood. This foreshadowed the then-future saving ministry of “Christ our Passover” (1 Corinthians 5:7), who died on the cross for us.
Protected by the lamb’s blood and with God’s help, the Israelites fled Egypt into the wilderness, some two or three million of them. AND “there was not one feeble person among their tribes (KJV) … not one who stumbled (Amplified) … all of them were healthy and strong (GNT) … there was not one sick person among their tribes (JUB) … there were no sick and feeble folk among them” (TLB).
The Lord made no distinction. Young or old, male or female, all who had partaken of that first “passover” lamb (think of Jesus, the Lamb of God!) experienced God’s healing power. Two or three million of the Israelites fled Egypt with none among them feeble, none stumbling, none sick, all “healthy and strong.” Among those millions God made sure that there was “not one feeble”! That’s a very clear illustration on a massive scale of God’s willingness to heal the sick.
Notice two key words in Jesus’ ministry—“healing all.” It is not His will to heal some and leave others unhealed. No! In His suffering and death for us, He bore both our sins and our sicknesses. So leave all your sins and your sicknesses with Him who bore them on your behalf.
Our enemy the devil, Satan, would love to see all of us sick all the time. But Jesus came to “destroy the devil’s work” (1 John 3:8). Just as Jesus healed “all who were oppressed by the devil” in His earthly ministry, the same all-powerful Jesus (Hebrews 13:8) is doing that for us today.
There’s no doubt from the biblical record that it was our Savior’s will and intention to heal all. And a reminder one more time: “Jesus Christ is the SAME yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). He healed all then; He’ll heal all today. So don’t pray the leper’s prayer: “If you are willing.” No! Pray Jesus’ answer: “I am willing!”
In closing, we read an important, broadly applicable principle here: whatever you ask the Lord for, “you must
Check out our widely-read sermon on "Divine Healing for Today"
For further study, here's our Bible Verses on Healing | Faith-Building Healing Scriptures or our Divine Healing Sermons from 50 Years of Holy Ghost Ministry
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Is It God's Will to Heal You?
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©2021, James H. Feeney.
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Pentecostal Sermons
& Bible Studies by
Pastor Jim Feeney, Ph.D.