Pentecostal Sermons and Bible Studies by Pastor Jim Feeney, Ph.D.

Sermons on the Church

This index of sermons about New Testament churches by Dr. Jim Feeney is a continuation of the sermons on "The Church" listed at our Pentecostal Sermon Index. Both lists address themes concerning various aspects of the Lord's Church. May they be a blessing to you in your personal study of God's word and in living out your love for the Church.

Fivefold Ministry, Elders and Deacons Emerge in the Book of Acts

Are There Still Prophets and Apostles Today in our 21st Century?

Jesus' Bridal Church: Characteristics of the Bride of Christ
The Rapture of the Church! When Is It? Two Scriptures Remove Any Confusion

Signs and Wonders Will Follow As the Church Preaches God's Word

The House of God (His Church) Needs to Be "Set in Order"

Jesus' Supremely Glorious Last-Days Church | A Worthy Bride for Him

The "Rapture of the Church" at Christ's Second Coming, Not Before

Revelation 12: The End-Time Bride of Christ | NO Pre-Tribulation Rapture

The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail Against the Church: Guaranteed!

Bible Teachers in the Bible's Fivefold Ministry (Ephesians 4:11)

Which Temple Will the Antichrist Sit In?

Separation of Church and State in the Bible? Yes and No

Powerless Church Services? Here's Why

Jesus Said His Church Can Do Miracles and Healings As He Did

OK, I'm Here at Church, So What Happens Next?

Pentecostal Church Services | A Biblical "Order of Service"
What Is a "Visitor" to Your Church?
Let There Be Music in the Church!
Don't Quit Going to Church

7 Strategies for Kingdom-of-God Building, Advancement & Expansion

Bible Schools | You Can Easily Start One in Your Church

Vision for a Healthy Church Today

Preparing the Bride of Christ to Be Ready for Jesus Her Bridegroom

The State of the Church Today in America

Back to the Basics That Every Church Needs

The Church Is the House of God From Jesus' Cross On

Committed to the House of God

To God Be the Glory in the Church

The Local Church Is Under Attack

Spiritual Restoration of the Church

Small Churches Please God, Too

The Culture Is Changing the Church

Holy Spirit-filled Church Services

Bible Verses About Revival in the Last Days/End Times

Seven Views of the Church



Shortcuts to Major Topics:

Christian Living
Doctrine & Theology
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Hearing from God
Holy Spirit | Pentecostal Topics
Jesus Christ
Power of God
The Church
Various Topics Not Listed Elsewhere
Victory over the Devil
Word of God

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Pentecostal Sermons and Bible Studies
by Pastor Jim Feeney, Ph.D.