Nehemiah 9:20
Referring back to God’s many blessings of the nation in their wilderness wanderings and afterwards, Israel confessed: “You gave your good Spirit to instruct them.” With respect and deference to their human leaders (originally Moses and Aaron), they looked beyond even those notable men to the one Great Teacher, the perfect Instructor of God’s people—the Holy Spirit, the 3rd person of the Holy Trinity. As co-equal with the Father and Jesus the Son (“the Word” - John 1:1), the Holy Spirit was and always is uniquely and perfectly qualified to impart the mind, heart, and wisdom of God to His people. That is still true today. Caution: I’m not saying He will inspire new Scriptures today; He won’t. But the divine Inspirer of the Bible that we do have is the only One fully capable of illuminating us as to exactly what God is revealing in those holy writings.
The apostle Peter firmly declared that Scripture did not come by any man’s private interpretation. No, but rather “holy men of God spoke as they were
Ponder this truth: if the Holy Spirit perfectly inspired the Scriptures, He is by definition the Perfect Teacher qualified to instruct us in their true meaning. And He will faithfully do this in two God-ordained ways:
1) He will use spiritually gifted,
2) He will directly illuminate the Scriptures to
In sum: The Holy Spirit of God is the great Instructor of His people. It was He who inspired holy men of God to write down the Scriptures as they “were moved by the Holy Spirit.” And the Spirit of God will help each of us to learn God’s revealed Word and grow in maturity through its beneficial influence in and upon us. We can receive this Holy-Ghost illumination two ways: 1) through
In conclusion: My wife and I have both been saved and have studied the Bible for 50+ years. Even more now than ever before, we are acutely aware that we need the Holy Spirit’s illumination every time we open God’s Word. In fact, before any reading of the Scriptures I always pray Psalm 119:18 or similar words: “Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.” I encourage each of you to pray the same. The results will bless you!
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The Holy Spirit Is the Best Teacher of the Bible
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©2020, James H. Feeney.
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Pentecostal Sermons and Bible
Studies by Pastor Jim Feeney, Ph.D.